some of our clients:
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • YPO
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • US Army
  • Air New Zealand
  • WB
  • Red Bull
  • Frito Lay
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Delta Airlines
  • bp

Sales Force Optimization Experts Explain Why Sales Organizations Fall By the Wayside


For more information, contact Jay Willick
Tel: (424) 204-6133 Fax: (310) 362-8845

Los Angeles, March 22, 2007 — “Suboptimal thinking sales organizations with high personnel turnover and unpredictable sales revenues are rapidly failing in the global marketplace” according to Rosalene Glickman, Ph.D., international best-selling author of Optimal Thinking (Wiley, 7th printing and in 17 languages) and creator of’s new Sales Force Optimization Program for Senior Executives. “These sales organizations still rely on the erroneous ‘Just be positive, it will all work out fine’ motto. Too often, their sales force consists of wishful thinkers who suppress negativity, focus on what is out of their control, and make suboptimal choices. They squander sales opportunities because they don’t make the most of the options available to them. Their suboptimal thinking compromises their communications and produces suboptimal sales performance.”

“In the Optimal Thinking sales organization, the sales executives and the sales force are trained in the art and science of consistent Optimal Thinking. They confront negativity, consider their options and ask the best questions to determine the best solutions. Optimal Thinking sales organizations maximize — rather than improve or manage – resources, opportunities, profits and market share.”

Having provided Optimal Thinking training for organizations such as BP, Johnson & Johnson, U.S. Army, and Warner Bros., Glickman tells us: “Our sales organization optimization team has over 90 years of direct sales and global sales management optimization experience. When confronted with flat or declining sales, revenue, market share or profits, we immediately evaluate the patterns of thinking of the individual sales personnel, the dominant thinking style of the sales executives and the entire sales force. Our proprietary Optimal Thinking 360 Online Assessment empowers the sales personnel to optimize communications with every type of person in every type of situation.

Don McNamara, veteran sales optimization expert at and award-winning author of Visionary Leadership, believes: “Top performing companies are hiring Optimal Thinkers and training existing personnel to use this peak form of thinking consistently. They no longer allow suboptimal thinking to sabotage their sales initiatives.”

According to Mark Friedman, sales lead optimization expert at “Optimal Thinking is necessary to obtain the most qualified leads, and maximize ROI for each sales and marketing initiative. Senior sales executives understand that they must invest in sales process optimization to dominate their market space.”

AVAILABILITY: Dr. Rosalene Glickman and Mark Friedman are available for TV, radio, and print media interviews to discuss sales organization optimization. For more information, call Jay Willick at (424) 204-6133. is a division of The World Academy of Personal Development Inc, a Century City, Los Angeles, management optimization consulting and training firm.

OPTIMAL THINKING® is a registered trademark of The World Academy of Personal Development Inc.