some of our clients:
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  • Delta Airlines
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Career Success Coaching for Optimal Career Success


optimal career successAre you wondering whether career success coaching can help you overcome your obstacles to optimal career success?  Many people believe that earning a lot of money is their path to peace and joy. Unfortunately, some of them lose touch with their souls as they climb the ladder of success. When they eventually achieve financial prosperity, they feel empty, anxious, or depressed.

Some talented people don’t believe that doing what they love could ever provide them with a handsome living. Perhaps their talents, abilities, and passion were unappreciated by their parents, teachers or peers, so they don’t value them. When they perform labors of love and receive enthusiastic feedback from others, they are actually astonished. These people routinely perform tasks that do not fuel their passion, and experience their work as drudgery.

Are you pursuing a career that fuels you with boundless energy and passion? When we lovingly contribute our talents and gifts, we unveil our essence. By expressing our unique talents creatively through our careers, we can experience work as a privilege rather than an encumbrance. Work becomes a sacred activity to evolve and fulfill our core, rather than a burden we are forced to undertake for our sustenance. When we experience joy in sharing our greatest talents with the world and know how to optimize our financial success, we move forward with all cylinders.

Is your daily work aligned with your career calling? Are you clear about where you are headed and why, and where to focus your energies and best efforts?

Start by acknowledging the strengths, talents and assets you bring to the table. Think about what makes you happy, and what you are most interested in doing. Do you have a specific passion? If you follow your passion it will introduce you to your innate talents.

John D. Rockefeller III wrote: “The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it—every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.” The words of the French impressionist painter Auguste Renoir are worthy of our deepest consideration. He said: “The work of art must seize upon you, wrap you up in itself and carry you away. It is the means by which the artist conveys his passion. It is the current which he puts forth which sweeps you along in his passion.”

If you are ready to align yourself with your optimum career, Optimal Thinking Career Success Coaching will enable you to best leverage your passion to optimize your career success.


14 Responses to “Career Success Coaching for Optimal Career Success”

  1. Ken H says:

    I appreciate your focus on optimization and appreciate your innovative approach to executive coaching. Thanks for making yourself available.

  2. Martin L says:

    Rosalene, you are the best executive coach I’ve come across. Your input turned around my life and business. Thanks.

  3. Lionel T says:

    As always, I love to read all of your career success posts.

  4. Chip S says:

    I can say that your understanding of career success is really worth the read.

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  6. Cathy A says:

    Wonderful blog. Lots of helpful info about how to achieve career success. I would love to have you as my executive coach.

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  14. Regina says:

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