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Executive Coaching for Barack Obama?



Executive coaching for the former President? During the 2008 Presidential race, pundits and ordinary citizens questioned Barack Obama’s executive experience. Then, an overwhelming majority of citizens showed their displeasure by voting his team out of their majority position in the House of Representatives and limiting their capabilities in the Senate.

During his presidency, most Americans thought about the President’s leadership competence. Every day citizens also questioned the leadership competence of the politicians who were elected to represent them in Washington.

Are you willing to evaluate President Obama’s leadership competence on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is inadequate and 10 is optimal for the following leadership characteristics*? If you believe that the former President would benefit from Optimal Thinking Executive Coaching, can you provide your reasons? Would you invest in him? If so, why? If not, why not?

Rate Barack Obama’s Leadership Competence

1.    Acts with integrity
2.    Demonstrates consistency
3.    Inspires trust
4.    Uses humor
5.    Accepts mistakes and corrects them
6.    Embraces and optimizes change
7.    Demonstrates resilience
8.    Promotes initiative
9.    Exercises prudent risk taking
10.   Encourages innovative action
11.   Inspires flexibility and honest feedback
12.   Promotes collaboration in the workplace
13.   Optimizes decision-making
14.   Resolves conflict
15.   Acknowledges and respects intuitive insights
16.   Integrates intuition with Optimal Thinking
17.   Overcomes obstacles
18.   Optimizes resources

* Optimal Thinking bookExcerpted from Optimal Thinking: How to Be Your Best Self (Wiley 7th printing and in 17 languages)

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10 Responses to “Executive Coaching for Barack Obama?”

  1. Tyler Bradshaw says:

    You make great points for leadership development. I enjoyed your book and your 360 optimal thinking assessment. You are not only a great executive coach but a thought leader. Thank you for your optimal thinking leadership.

  2. Andrea W says:

    Barack Obama seems to be taking the Clinton approach of moving to the center. I am going to rate him before and after the election. Thanks for this interesting post.

  3. Advertising guy says:

    Sometimes blogs are hard to read but this one is great! Very interesting post on President Obama. I’ve rated him and will check back in a year and see if my ratings are consistent..

  4. harper larton says:

    I love reading your blog. I can always get us new, insightful information. I feel that I ought to at least say thanks for your hard work.

  5. Jamie L says:

    Interesting points raised. I’ve ordered your 100-day audio program. Thanks.

  6. jack3622 says:

    This is an exceptionally thought provoking blog. I’m impressed. Obama is an excellent case study for leadership development. Thanks.

  7. cosmetic surgery says:

    Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file. Any better way to go about keeping track of it than printing?

  8. aerospace engineer says:

    Nice site, nice and easy on the eyes and great content too.

  9. Tony M. says:

    Here’s my rating:

    7. Acts with integrity
    8. Demonstrates consistency
    3. Inspires trust
    3. Uses humor
    5. Accepts mistakes and corrects them
    6. Embraces and optimizes change
    8. Demonstrates resilience
    6. Promotes initiative
    7. Exercises prudent risk taking
    9. Encourages innovative action
    10. Inspires flexibility and honest feedback
    5. Promotes collaboration in the workplace
    7. Optimizes decision-making
    4. Resolves conflict
    7. Acknowledges and respects intuitive insights
    5. Integrates intuition with Optimal Thinking
    8. Overcomes obstacles
    8. Optimizes resources

  10. Executive Coaching for Barack Obama? | Optimal Thinking Blog « Dade Business Coach says:

    […] the original here: Executive Coaching for Barack Obama? | Optimal Thinking Blog Uncategorized   business, business-performance, optimal-thinking, optimization, personal, […]

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